This model is based on the voluntary implementation of a Landtrust, by virtue of which the owner (Corporación Parque Punta de Lobos) establishes a series of voluntary obligations and prohibitions on the property that constitutes the Park; in favor of the owner or guarantor of the Land Trust, who is the Punta de Lobos Foundation (Landtrustee), which can demand compliance with such obligations and prohibitions both with respect to the owner who signed the constitutive contract of the Land Trust, and with respect to those who succeed him in the domain, indefinitely.
Thus, the Corporación Parque Punta de Lobos assumes the responsibility of managing and administering the Parque Punta de Lobos in line with what is defined jointly with the Punta de Lobos Foundation, within the management plan and restricting itself to what is permitted in the Land Trust. On the other hand, the Punta de Lobos Foundation must supervise and evaluate compliance with the Land trust and the management plan, which in turn must be previously approved by it.
Together, the fact that the owner is a non-profit legal entity and made up of a group of people, allows for robust governance and greater legal protection in the long term. There is a periodic incorporation of partners (both natural and legal persons) that take place in decision-making through the General Assemblies, creating on one hand real community involvement, and on the other, providing the possibility of financing through the payment of memberships to ensure the sustainability of the conservation model in perpetuity.
Pichilemu, Región Libertador Bernardo O’higgins, Chile