Parque Punta de Lobos is constituted as a park-school that manages study plans and programs aimed for teachers, children and young people, training empowered citizens in their role as guardians of the coastal ecosystem. The main objectives of the Parque Punta de Lobos Education Plan are to value coastal ecosystems and the environment in general, involve the community in the task of conservation, support teachers’ work, and facilitate the acquisition of tools and environmental knowledge. In addition, the PPL seeks to generate territorial knowledge through the use of geographic information tools and the exchange of knowledge between local actors and congregated specialists.


All of this will increase the community involvement in the task of preserving and regenerating the coastal ecosystem. To achieve this balance between social well-being and ecological conservation, it is imperative to implement educational programs and collaboration networks that allow increasing the involvement of the community both from knowledge and from a deep connection with the territory.



The divulgation actions seek to inform the community and visitors about the natural and cultural characteristics of the Parque Punta de Lobos and invite them to responsibly enjoy this protected area. It includes activities such as outdoor education for boys and girls, a cycle of talks and workshops, ocean literacy programs and interpretive tours.


In addition, Educational panels have been developed for the Park’s infrastructure on; Punta de Lobos and its Relationship with the Region; Marine Ecosystem , Terrestrial Ecosystem and on The Balance of the Sea, within the framework of the development of the first stage of the Interpretation Elements Plan.




Elements Plan


The formation program aims to train or educate relevant actors within the community to perform as active collaborators of the Parque Punta de Lobos in its education and conservation work. It includes the development of a Park Ranger School, a formation program and environmental brigade for children and young people, and the creation of the Pichilemu Eco Educators Network, a continuous training program and collaboration and exchange network for teachers from all schools in the commune.


Research actions are aimed at promoting the development of local science, generating new knowledge about the ecosystems present in the Parque Punta de Lobos and the impact of its conservation strategies. It includes the preparation of a field guide to the park’s flora and fauna, and the creation of a Parque Punta de Lobos Biological Station, in partnership with academics and research institutions to do science in the Punta de Lobos natural laboratory.

The Environmental Education Plan is carried out with the support of:


The Environmental Education Plan is carried out with the support of:


If you want to know more about our Environmental Education Plan, you can review the following document.

If you want to know more about the Environmental Education Plan or if you want to participate in any of our initiatives, contact us at


Pichilemu, Región Libertador Bernardo O’higgins, Chile





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