With the aim of protecting and promoting the health of the Punta de Lobos ecosystem, our Ecological Restoration Plan is developed. Through actions aimed at generating soil improvements, delimitations are made of the prioritized spaces to intervene and, of course, the reproduction of native flora, which has been generating positive transformations in the environment.


One of the tasks with the greatest visibility of this plan is the reproduction of native flora, which focuses on the ethical reproduction of the species, that is, from seeds that are collected in the place. Punta de Lobos Park have focused mainly on cacti and other varied native species, which in alliance and constant advice with experts (Santiago Figueroa @cactuslagarto and the Pumahuida Nursery) have been able to grow in greenhouses, to later be inserted into the Park and thus slowly promote the regenerative processes that will finally generate new niches of biodiversity, strengthening and enriching the entire ecosystem of Punta de Lobos.


Currently, 3 species of cacti have been reproduced, of which 2 are endemic, and 14 species of native plants of the place (with the objective of reaching 35 species). To date, more than 25,000 cacti and 6,500 plants have been reproduced, some of which are in our greenhouses and others have already been transplanted in the Park.


The Ecological Restoration Plan is directly related to the uses of the Park, based on the promotion of respect for its trails and the education of visitors. That is why we have worked on a series of volunteer days to advance in soil recovery work, substrate preparation, incorporation of organic matter and other actions to prepare the Park for when our cacti and plants are ready to be inserted.


With each passing year, more people visit the Park, making the search for a balance between the uses of the place and the protection of the ecosystem even more challenging. In the same way, our impact and the opportunity to make visible the action of restoring a small and sensitive ecosystem is a great tool to generate socio-environmental awareness in the community.


The participation and collaboration of everyone is essential for this project to be successful. We invite you to be a part and support us!


Taking care of a place as iconic as Punta de Lobos is, entails many responsibilities, so the collaboration of our volunteers is a fundamental piece for its proper functioning. We recommend you join our network and pay attention to the volunteer activities that we call.


Pichilemu, Región Libertador Bernardo O’higgins, Chile


Email: info@puntadelobos.org



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